The band pass filter is a combination of low pass and high pass filters. Therefore, the circuit diagram contains the circuit of high pass and low pass filters. The circuit diagram of the passive RC band pass filter is as shown in the below figure.
Circuit Diagram of Band Pass Filter
The first half of the circuit diagram is a passive RC high pass filter. This filter will allow the signals which have frequencies higher than the lower cutoff frequency (fc-low). And attenuate the signals which have frequencies lower than (fc-low).
The second half of the circuit diagram is a passive RC low pass filter. This filter will allow the signals which have frequencies lower than the higher cutoff frequency (fc-high). And it will attenuate the signals which have frequencies higher than (fc-high).
The band or region of frequency in which the band pass filter allows the signal to pass that is known as Bandwidth. The bandwidth is a difference between the higher and lower value of cutoff frequency.
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